We have started accepting Ethereum/ETH and Monero/XMR for payment. Send a request by e-mail.

Everyone who wants to work, we offer the best working conditions in the top team!

Everyone is welcome: from couriers to chemists. All positions have very interesting working conditions!

Job: Europe / USA / Canada / Mexico

All major cities

Vacancies (All vacancies are insured by your deposit for the goods):

Sender (sending by mail)
10 letters of 5g - $10x$15=$150

BookmarkMan (small wholesale up to 50g / city)
10 bookmarks of 5g - $10x$15=$150

BookmarkMan (large wholesale up to 300g / city)
10 bookmarks of 50г - 10x$150=$1500

Courier Driver (state, region, region / up to 5000g)
Transportation of 3000g / 5000g / 7000g goods distance up to 300km - $3000 / $5000 / $7000

Warehouse (up to 10000g)
From $5000

By arrangement (from $10000)

Working with us you get:


All work takes place in the team of a large and reliable store on its own site with large sales.

Stable weekly pay without delay (BTC)

Stable work without downtime, goods are sold out instantly

Help in any situation, support and solution of any questions

Comfortable working hours: work as long as you want and when you can

Each employee will have a personal contact person who will work with you and help you with everything.

Career growth is guaranteed! - All curators, operators started out as couriers and moved up the career ladder.



Send to mail: workdrug@skiff.com